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Graduation is a moment of gratification and pride

that represents a victory for the student and marks

a new stage in the journey of learning Krav Maga.

In Krav Maga, every technical detail makes all the difference. A good defense can be the difference between coming back home safe or being injured mentally and physically. Therefore, our commitment, seriousness, and experience of more than 24 years, guarantee the responsibility in teaching the Krav Maga technique. The levels are divided by belts and each color represents a new stage of learning and technical and mental evolution.


In this initial stage, the student discovers highly
efficient basic attack and defense movements
that he could not even imagine performing.


At this stage, the student can develop more complex defenses with combinations
of techniques learned from the previous phase. The student already
feels much safer and more confident with more precise movements.


At this stage, the student starts at a more advanced level
with all the knowledge acquired previously and faces defenses against more
complex aggressions and begins to develop self-control in parallel.


Now with much more self-control, the student has much
faster reactions with consistent movements. Self-confidence
and self-esteem become much higher.


At this more advanced stage, the student is already
capable of facing various types of situations,
including much more aggressive ones.


At this highly advanced stage, the student prepares
for the black belt. The defenses reach a much more
instinctive level and with precise movements.


As a black belt and with all the knowledge learned from previous degrees,
the student reaches the top of the self-defense ladder. The body and mind are
prepared to respond instinctively and effectively to any type of threat and aggression. Achieving a black belt is a personal merit that, through dedication
and commitment, everyone is capable of achieving.

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